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        爱彩365彩票官方app下载_下载365app_365bet品牌中文网大学 2023 年国际中文教师奖学金申请办法

        发布日期:2023-03-03  来源:   点击量:



        To meet the growing international demand for Chinese language teachers, facilitate Chinese language education around the world, and support the professional development of Chinese language teachers, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) has established the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the Scholarship) for eligible Chinese language teachers outside of China. Confucius Institutes, independent Confucius Classrooms, selected HSK test centers, foreign educational institutions, Chinese language teacher training programs/Chinese departments at foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language teaching, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad (hereinafter collectively referred to as Recommending Institutions) may recommend outstanding students and in-service Chinese language teachers to further their studies in international Chinese language education and related programs at Chinese universities (hereinafter referred to as Host Institutions).

        As one of recommending institutions & host institutions, Yantai University sincerely welcomes all outstanding students around the globe to come and study.


        1. 非中国籍人士;

        2. 对华友好,无违法犯罪记录,遵守中国政府的法律、法规和学校的规章制度;

        3. 身心健康,品学兼优;

        4. 有志于从事中文教育、教学及相关工作;

        5. 年龄为 16-35 周岁(统一以 2023 9 1 日计)。在职中文教师放宽至 45 周岁。


        a) Be a non-Chinese citizen;

        b) Be friendly to China, have no criminal record, abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of the Host Institution;

        c) Be in good physical and mental health, be in good academic and behavioral standing;

        d) Be interested in Chinese language education and related work; and

        e) Be aged between 16 and 35 years on September 1, 2023. The maximum age limit for in-service Chinese teachers may be extended to 45, but those who apply for a scholarship for a Bachelor’s degree shall be younger than 25 under most circumstances.


        1. 一学年研修生

        2023 9 月入学,资助期限为 11 个月。不录取享受过


        国际中文教育方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)270 分,具有 HSKK 成绩;

        汉语言文学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(四级)180 分、HSKK(中级)60 分;

        汉语研修方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)210 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。

        2. 一学期研修生

        2023 9 月、2024


        3 月入学,资助期限为 5 个月。不录取护照上有 X1X2 签证者。

        国际中文教育、汉语言文学等方向,汉语考试成绩达到 HSK(三级)180 分,具有 HSKK 成绩;


        a) Scholarship for One-Year Study Program

        The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.

           Applicants of international Chinese language education programs shall have a minimum score of 270 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required. Applicants of Chinese language and literature programs shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Applicants of Chinese language study programs shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3), and priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.

        b) Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program

        The program commences either in September 2023 or March 2024, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible. Applicants of international Chinese language education, Chinese language and literature programs shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3), and an HSKK test score is required.


        2023 3 1 日起,申请者可登录中外语言交流合作中心网站(http://www.chinese.cn)国际中文教师奖学金板块,查询推荐机构与接收院校;在线提交申请材料,关注申请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;奖学金获得者与我校确认办理来华留学手续,在线打印获奖证书;按我校录取通知书规定的时间入学报到。


        1.9 月入学:学生申请截止日期为 5 15 日,推荐机构、接收院校审核截止日期为 5 25 日;

        2.2024 3 月入学:学生申请截止日期为 11 15 日,推荐机构、接收院校审核截止日期为 11 25 日。

        语合中心委托专家组集中评审:根据 HSKHSKK 考分和级别,兼顾国别等因素择优资助,于入学前约 3 个月完成奖学金评审工作,公布评审结果。


        Online registration will be available from March 1, 2023 on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website (http://www.chinese.cn). You may search for Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions; submit application materials online; and track the application process. The successful applicant must confirm with the Host Institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out the scholarship certificate online, and register at the Host Institution on the designated date as per the Letter of Admission.

           Application Deadlines (Beijing Time)

        a) For programs commencing in September, applicants must complete their applications by May 15, and Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions must complete the review by May 25.

        b) For programs commencing in March 2024, applicants must complete their applications by November 15, and Recommending Institutions and Host Institutions must complete the review by November 25.

        CLEC will entrust an expert panel to review the applications. Decisions will be based on HSK and HSKK levels and scores, geographical distribution, and other factors. The results will be published about three months before the program starts.


        1. 在职中文教师


        2. 汉语桥获奖者

        在各类汉语桥比赛中获得 国际中文教师奖学金证书者,登录国际中文教师奖学金网站,凭奖学金证书向目标接收院校提交申请材料。 如有问题,请咨询chinesebridge@chinese.cn


        a) In-Service Chinese Language Teachers

        In-service Chinese language teachers may be exempted from HSK/HSKK certificates if they provide proof of employment and a letter of recommendation from the employer.

        b) Chinese Bridge Winners

        Applicants who have received the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship Certificate during Chinese Bridge competitions may submit their application documents along with their scholarship certificates to the Host Institutions directly at the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website.

        For any further inquiries, please contact chinesebridge@chinese.cn.



        1. 学费由接收院校统筹用于奖学金生的培养与管理,开展文化活动,组织参加汉语考试等。

        2. 住宿费由接收院校统筹使用,为学生提供免费宿舍,一般为双人间。

        3. 生活费由接收院校按月发放。一学年和一学期研修生标准为 2500 元人民币/月。


        The scholarship supports tuition, accommodation, living allowance (excluding four-week study program students) and comprehensive medical insurance.

        a) The Host Institutions use the tuition fees for the education and management of scholarship recipients, cultural programming and HSK tests. The scholarships for online programs provide support for tuition fees only.

        b) The Host Institutions use the accommodation fees to provide scholarship recipients with free on-campus accommodation (typically double rooms).

        c) The living allowance is paid to the scholarship recipients by the Host Institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for one-year study program students and one-semester study program students is RMB 2,500 per person


        1. 护照照片页扫描件。

        2. HSK


        HSKK 成绩报告(有效期两年)扫描件。

        3. 推荐机构负责人的推荐信。


        4、未满 18 周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件。

        VI. List of Application Materials

        a) A scanned copy of the passport photo page;

        b) A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK/HSKK tests (within the two-year validity);  

        c) A reference letter by the head of the Recommending Institution.







        Contact Us

        Address: Room 111, School of International Education, Yantai University, 30 Qingquan Road, Laishan District, Yantai, Shandong, China, (264005)

        Phone: +86-535-690-2271

        Fax: +86-535-670-1513

        Email: ytustudents@163.com

        Website: https://engsie.zy379.com/

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